Shocking 2017 Predictions: Death Card Exposed Israel Will Do Another 9/11 – The Rothschilds & NUKES

Shocking 2017 Predictions: Death Card Exposed Israel Will Do Another 9/11 – The Rothschilds & NUKES

Author James Perloff returns to SGT report to discuss the evidence that suggests that tactical nuclear devices were used on 9/11 to demolish World Trade Center buildings 1 and 2. James also talks about the 2017 cover of the Rothschild’s Economist Magazine which touts ‘The World in 2017’ and features 8 tarot cards, one of which is the “death card” which shows a nuclear explosion.


The Kennedy/Ben Gurion/Eshkol Nuclear Exchange



Document 1. On 5 July, less than ten days after Levi Eshkol became prime minister, Ambassador Barbour delivered a 3-page letter to him from President John Kennedy. Not since President Eisenhower’s message to Ben Gurion, in the midst of the Suez crisis in November 1956, had an American president been so blunt with an Israeli prime minister. Kennedy told Eshkol that the American commitment and support of Israel ‘could be seriously jeopardized’ if Israel did not let the United States obtain ‘reliable information’ about Israel’s efforts in the nuclear field. In the letter Kennedy presented specific demands on how the American inspection visits to Dimona should be executed. Since the United States had not been involved in the building of Dimona and no international law or agreement had been violated, Kennedy demands were indeed unprecedented. They amounted, in effect, to American ultimatum.

Source: Israel State Archive, Jerusalem
For more information: Israel and the Bomb, 153-162.

Return to Israel and the Bomb: About the Documents

Israel’s Central Role in JFK Assassination,
Who’s Who in JFK Assassination
Michael Collins Piper Died Under Strange Circumstances, Here He Is From The Past.
Michael Collins Piper on JFK

Final Judgment – The missing link in the JFK assassination conspiracy

by Michael Collins Piper



Where in the world could anyone come up with the idea that Israel’s Mossad had a hand in the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Well, there’s more to the story than meets the eye. All of the information which, taken together, proves this contention has already been committed to print. This book, Final Judgment, brings all of these facts together for the first time in a frightening scenario that makes sense.

Considering all of the theories about the assassination of John F. Kennedy that have been circulating for years, how could anyone ever suggest that Israel’s Mossad was involved?

This was the reaction of more than a few people when apprised of the thesis presented in the pages of this book. Yet, I believe, that when you read this volume you will reach the same conclusion: that Israel and its spy agency, the Mossad, did indeed play a critical role in the JFK assassination conspiracy and its cover-up. The evidence, you shall see, is there.

It was several years ago that I first stumbled upon a hint that this was indeed the case. I came across a strange reference in the pages of a controversial work about the JFK assassination which alleged that rogue CIA operatives had been behind the president’s murder, A. J. Weberman and Michael Canfield’s Coup d’Etat in America, first published in 1975. The reference, simple as it was, appearing on page 41, read as follows:

“After the assassination, an informer for the Secret Service and the FBI who had infiltrated a Cuban exile group and was in the process of selling them machine guns, reported that on November 21, 1963 he was told, ‘We now have plenty of money-our new backers are the Jews-as soon as they take care of JFK.’ This man had furnished reliable information in the past.”

I barely noticed the reference, but it did intrigue me. Who did this source mean when he referred to “the Jews”? This was the question I needed to answer. My immediate conclusion was this: the source meant Jewish gangsters-such as Meyer Lansky-who had a stake in reviving their Cuban gambling interests that they lost when Fidel Castro came to power. This was the logical answer.

Frankly, I laid the reference aside. It was just one lone remark out of perhaps millions of words written about the JFK assassination. It was nearly a year that went by before I came across the quotation again-while re-reading the same book. I pondered the quote for a moment, thinking, “This is interesting.”

However, I once again cast those thoughts aside. I had already reached my own conclusions about the JFK assassination long before: The CIA was primarily responsible, working hand-in-hand with certain elements in “the Mafia” and also in the anti-Castro Cuban movement.

However, in the subsequent year that followed, I began to stumble across some interesting information.

In David Scheim’s book, Contract on America, which contends that “the Mafia” was solely responsible for the JFK assassination, I saw a variation of the same quote referenced in the Weberman and Canfield book.

However, Scheim’s rendition of the quote had deleted the reference to the alleged Jewish backers of the Cuban plotters. I began to think that there might be something more to the story after all, whatever the accuracy of the story allegedly told to the federal authorities.


It was around this time that I learned that a new biography of organized crime figure Meyer Lansky had been released. It was entitled Little Man:

Meyer Lansky and the Gangster Life. The book-prepared in cooperation with Lansky’s family-was little more than a puff piece for the deceased thug. Gossipy, full of inside information, and even entertaining at times, the book still somehow seemed to be missing a lot.

It was then that I returned to my library and pulled a book off the shelf that I hadn’t re-read in perhaps fifteen years. It was Hank Messick’s biography of Lansky. Re-reading this important book I began to see that Meyer Lansky was not just another gangster. He was “the chairman of the board” of organized crime.

All of the Mafia figures that had been repeatedly implicated in the JFK assassination were, in fact, Lansky’s front-men-his subordinates, his underlings. In short, if “the Mafia” had a hand in the killing of JFK, then Lansky had to have been one of the key players.

Yet, as I quickly began to see in reviewing many of the works which allege that “The Mafia Killed JFK,” Lansky’s preeminent role was being ignored or otherwise under-played.

I was aware of Lansky’s close ties to Israel. After all, Lansky fled to Israel when the heat was on in the United States. But how deeply did the Lansky-Israeli connection go?

My research into that question began to turn up some interesting facts relating to an Israeli connection to the assassination 2f John F. Kennedy.


Why would Israel have an interest in participating in the JFK assassination conspiracy? That was the burning question.

It was just about the time that I had begun to take a second look at the Lansky connection to the Kennedy assassination that several new works about the covert relationship between the United States and Israel were released providing never-before revealed information.

These books, cited extensively in Final Judgment, made it all too clear that John F. Kennedy-before his death-was in a pitched battle with Israel. In fact, Kennedy was at war.

This was something that long-time JFK assassination researchers had no reason to know about. Much of the material had long been classified. It was a secret-a deep, dark secret.

Some of JFK’s communications with then-Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion are still classified. Not even top-level intelligence officials with special security clearance have been allowed access to these potentially explosive documents.

This discovery made me realize that there was a lot more to the Kennedy relationship with Israel and a lot more about the JFK assassination than we had ever been told.


The long and close relationship between Israel and JFK’s foes at the CIA is something which is becoming more and more known to the general public. JFK’s own war with the CIA is common knowledge.

At the time of the president’s assassination, however, the depth and breadth of the CIA’s relationship with Israel’s Mossad, however, was not so commonly known.

What’s more, as I began to discover, Israel’s allies in the Lansky Syndicate had much deeper relations with the CIA than most researchers have realized.

And while the stories of CIA-Organized Crime assassination plots against Castro have been told time and again, the evidence I began to discover told an even bigger story.

The pieces of the puzzle were all there. They simply needed to be put together. As the research continued, I repeatedly found myself stumbling upon new facts and information that continued to verify what was initially in my mind just a theory, but which I now believe to be the truth.


It is the little-discussed Permindex connection to the JFK assassination which is the tie that binds-the final proof that Israel’s Mossad was at the center of the assassination conspiracy.

In the Permindex connection we find all of the critical elements which tie Israel’s Mossad, the CIA and organized crime together in close-knit intrigue linked directly to the murder of President Kennedy.

Although researchers, over the years, have devoted much time and energy to pursuing a wide variety of questions relating to the JFK assassination controversy (focusing on controversies that will never be resolved) they have steered clear of the Permindex connection.

Those who have made any reference to Permindex have described it as some sort of “neo-Nazi” entity-even a remnant of Hitler’s SS-but, as we shall see, nothing could be further from the truth.

To understand the forces behind the Permindex connection, which we examine in detail in this volume, is to understand the answer to the biggest mystery of this century: the question of who killed John F. Kennedy.


Just before I began the book I mentioned my theory to a rather well-known former United States congressman. He surprised me when he said, “I think you are on to something. I’ve believed for years that the Mossad was involved in the Kennedy assassination, but I never really took the time to look into it. I’m glad you’re doing it, though. It will be an important book. It’s a book I would have liked to have written myself.”

Then, just after I finished the book, I sent a copy of the manuscript to another former U.S. congressman, thinking that he might have some interest in the subject. His response was perhaps a bit astonishing.

After the former congressman received the manuscript he wrote me a surprising letter in which he said, “I will tell you this. A retired Western European diplomat and intelligence officer with whom I’ve been in correspondence (and who has had disastrous experiences with Israel and the Mossad) has been urging me for the last four years to write the book that you have written.”

He passed the manuscript on to the Frenchman who in turn wrote me a fascinating letter providing further information confirming my thesis.


The fruits of my labor appear in this book. I owe so much to all of those JFK assassination researchers who made this book possible. Their pioneering efforts laid the foundation for the construction of a framework which I firmly believe proves Mossad complicity in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

All of those who sought the truth-and sometimes risked their reputations (and even perhaps their lives) doing it-cleared the way for a final judgment:

Israel was the driving force behind the conspiracy that resulted in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It is the Israeli connection that pulls all of the pieces of the puzzle together into one complete picture. The role of ‘j Israel in the JFK assassination is, indeed, the until-now “missing link.”


While the following selection of names in this special “who’s who” is by no means complete, it does provide the reader of Final Judgment with a brief overview of the facts relating to the involvement of the individuals in question with the circumstances surrounding not only the JFK assassination itself, but also the efforts to not only uncover the truth about the assassination-and also to bury it.

Following each name and description are references to the particular chapters in Final Judgment where details about that individual appear in pertinent part. The inclusion of any name in particular is by no means intended to suggest that the individual-unless specifically stated-had foreknowledge that the murder of President Kennedy was being planned.

As we note in these pages, there were many people who were brought into the JFK assassination conspiracy and the subsequent cover-up who had no idea of the actual role that they were playing.

The following “who’s who”-if read in this context-provides the reader a quick glance at the key individuals who ultimately prove central to a complete understanding of the entirety of the conspiracy that resulted in the assassination of President Kennedy.


Clay Shaw – If New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison had been permitted to carry out an unimpeded investigation and prosecution of Shaw, a CIA contract operative and a former director of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans implicated in involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Guy Banister and other figures central to the JFK assassination conspiracy, Garrison would have divined Shaw’s connections – through a shadowy corporation known as Permindex – to not only the Israeli Mossad, but also the international crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky.

Louis M. Bloomfield – Based in Montreal, Bloomfield was a long-time intelligence operative and a front man for the powerful Bronfman family interests. The Bronfmans were not only key international backers of Israel but also long-time figures in the Lansky crime syndicate. Bloomfield, one of the foremost figures in the Israeli lobby in Canada and one of Israel’s leading international operatives, not only served as the chief shareholder in the Permindex Corporation on whose board of directors Clay Shaw served, but also had intimate ties to American intelligence.

Tibor Rosenbaum – One of the “godfathers” of the state of Israel and the first director for finance and supply for Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, Rosenbaum was a prime financial angel behind the Permindex corporation. His Swiss banking concern, the Banque De Credit International, also served as the chief European money laundry or the global crime syndicate of Miami-based crime chief Meyer Lansky.

John King – A close business associate of Tibor Rosenbaum’s protégé and sometime front man, Bernard Cornfeld, King showed up in New Orleans in the early stages of Jim Garrison’s investigation-before Clay Shaw’s name had come up-and sought to persuade Garrison (through a bribery attempt) to give up the inquiry. Fortunately he failed in his scheme.


David Ben-Gurion – Prime Minister of Israel; resigned his post in disgust with JFK’s stance toward Israel. in April of 1963; Said JFK’s position threatened Israel’s very survival.

Yitzhak Shamir – A long-time Mossad officer (based largely at the Mossad’s chief European office in Paris), Shamir headed the Mossad’s assassination squad at the time of the JFK assassination. A former French intelligence officer has charged that Shamir himself arranged the hiring of JFK’s actual assassins through a close ally in French intelligence.

Menachem Begin – In 1963, Begin (later prime minister of Israel) was a roving Israeli diplomat; prior to JFK’s assassination he was overheard conspiring with Meyer Lansky’s California henchman, Mickey Cohen, in a conversation that suggested hostile intentions by Israel against the American president.

Luis Kutner – Although known largely as a “mob lawyer,” (who was long and closely associated with Jack Ruby, a sometime-client) Kutner also doubled as an international intelligence operative and functioned as an advisor to an ad hoc pro-Israel lobby group in the United States.

A. L. Botnick – Head of the New Orleans office of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, an intelligence and propaganda arm for Israel’s Mossad; a close associate of New Orleans-based CIA contract operative Guy Banister who helped create Lee Harvey Oswald’s preassassination profile as a “pro-Castro” agitator. Evidence suggests that Banister’s manipulation of Oswald may have been carried out under the guise of an ADL “fact-finding” operation.

Arnon Milchan – Israel’s biggest arms dealer, Milchan was “executive producer” (i.e. chief financial angel) of Oliver Stone’s Hollywood fantasy about the JFK assassination-a fact which may explain Stone’s aversion to exploring the Israeli connection to the affair.

Maurice Tempeisman – The international diamond merchant and Mossad operative who became the lover of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and used his connections to double-perhaps triple-her substantial fortune, thereby co-opting the Kennedy family forever.


Rudolph Hecht – An owner of the CIA-linked Standard Fruit concern, Hecht was a prominent figure in the New Orleans Jewish community and as chairman of the board of directors of the International Trade Mart was Permindex board member Clay Shaw’s primary sponsor.

James Jesus Angleton – Angleton, the CIA’s long-time chief of counterintelligence, was the CIA’s primary high-level conspirator in the murder of President Kennedy and the subsequent cover-up. Angleton, who had been co-opted by and was totally loyal to the Israeli Mossad, played a major role in the effort to frame Lee Harvey Oswald. Final Judgment is the first JFK assassination study to delve into Angleton’s role in the conspiracy.

David Atlee Phillips – A long-time high-level CIA official, Phillips was the CIA station chief in Mexico City at the time a strange effort was underway to implicate Lee Harvey Oswald as a Soviet KGB collaborator. If anyone in the CIA knew the truth about Oswald, it was Phillips. He confessed publicly that the story about Oswald being in Mexico City was not precisely what the CIA had long claimed.

E. Howard Hunt – Long-time CIA officer and liaison to the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Testimony by ex-CIA contract operative Marita Lorenz placed Hunt in Dallas, Texas the day before the president’s assassination. The full truth about Hunt’s actual involvement in the affair may never be known, but there is no question that Hunt was deeply involved in the intrigue surrounding the president’s murder. Evidence does indeed indicate that there was a conscious effort to frame Hunt for involvement in the crime.

Guy Banister -The former FBI agent-turned-CIA contract operative whose New Orleans office was a central point for international intrigue involving the CIA, the anti-Castro Cuban exiles and the anti-DeGaulle forces in the French Secret Army Organization (OAS). Under Banister’s direction, Lee Harvey Oswald established a public profile for himself as a “pro-Castro” agitator in the streets of New Orleans.

David Ferrie – An enigmatic adventurer and CIA contract operative, Ferrie was closely involved with Lee Harvey Oswald during Oswald’s stay in New Orleans in the summer of 1963, working alongside Oswald out of Banister’s headquarters. The investigation of Ferrie by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison ultimately led to Garrison’s discovery of Permindex board member Clay Shaw’s ties to both Ferrie and Oswald.

Marita Lorenz – A former CIA contract operative, she testified under oath that one day prior to the assassination of President Kennedy she arrived in Dallas in an armed caravan of CIA-backed Cuban exiles who were met by not only Jack Ruby, who later killed Lee Harvey Oswald, but also CIA official E. Howard Hunt.

Guillermo & Ignacio Novo – Two brothers, veterans of the CIA-backed Cuban exile wars against Fidel Castro. According to Marita Lorenz, the Novo brothers were part of the armed caravan that arrived in Dallas one day before the assassination of President Kennedy. Many years after Dallas, the Novos were later convicted of participating in the murder of a Chilean dissident in collaboration with international adventurer Michael Townley who himself had ties to high-level figures implicated in the JFK conspiracy.

John Tower – In 1963 Tower was a newly-elected Republican U.S. Senator from Texas with close ties to the CIA. Shortly after the assassination he told associates of his own inside knowledge of the bizarre story of what really happened in Dealey Plaza. The story told by Tower suggests strongly that there were many unseen forces at work, manipulating many of the key players in the JFK assassination conspiracy. It was not until the release of Final Judgment that Tower’s name was ever connected to the mystery surrounding the JFK assassination.

Victor Marchetti – A high-ranking CIA official who left the agency in disgust, Marchetti later made a career writing about the CIA. In a 1978 article he charged that the CIA was about to frame its long-time operative, E. Howard Hunt, with involvement in the JFK assassination. A libel suit resulting as a consequence of Marchetti’s article resulted in a climactic finding by a jury that the CIA had been involved in the assassination of the president.

Robin Moore – A journalist with long-standing close ties to the CIA, Moore co-authored former CIA man Hugh McDonald’s book, LBJ and the JFK Conspiracy which promoted James Jesus Angleton’s false claim that the KGB was behind the president’s murder-another of the disinformation stories that emerged following the assassination.


Meyer Lansky – Chief executive officer and de facto “treasurer” of the international crime syndicate; active in gun-running on behalf of the Israeli underground; collaborated closely with American intelligence on a number of fronts; later settled in Israel. Researchers who have claimed that “the Mafia Killed JFK” have pointedly refused to acknowledge Lansky’s preeminent positioning in the underworld.

Carlos Marcello – The head of the Mafia in New Orleans, Marcello owed his status to Meyer Lansky who was his chief sponsor in the crime syndicate. Marcello could not have orchestrated the JFK assassination-as some suggest-without Lansky’s explicit approval.

Seymour Weiss – Meyer Lansky’s chief bagman and liaison with the political establishment in Louisiana, he later served as a director of the CIA-linked Standard Fruit company and may actually have been a high-ranking CIA contract operative in New Orleans at the time of the JFK assassination.

Sam Giancana – The Mafia boss of Chicago, Giancana was a player in the CIA-Mafia plots against Castro; later murdered, probably at the behest of Santo Trafficante, Jr. His family says that Giancana admitted having been involved in the planning of the JFK assassination.

Santo Trafficante, Jr. – Although best known as the head of the Mafia in Tampa, Trafficante actually functioned as Meyer Lansky’s chief lieutenant in the crime syndicate and as Lansky’s liaison with the CIA in the Castro assassination plots.

Johnny Rosselli – A roving “ambassador” for the Mafia, Rosselli was the primary conduit between the CIA and the mob in the plots against Fidel Castro; may have arranged the murder of Sam Giancana for Trafficante and was later murdered himself.

Mickey Cohen – Meyer Lansky’s West Coast henchman; Jack Ruby’s role model and a gun-runner for the Israeli underground, Cohen collaborated closely with Israeli diplomat Menachem Begin prior to the JFK assassination;. Cohen arranged for John F. Kennedy to meet actress Marilyn Monroe who was assigned the task of finding out JFK’s private views and intentions toward Israel.

Jack Ruby – A long-time functionary for the Lansky syndicate, Ruby was the Lansky connection man in Dallas and also engaged in CIA-linked gunrunning to the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Evidence suggests there is more to Ruby’s sudden “death” than meets the eye.

Jim Braden – A veteran personal courier for Meyer Lansky, Braden was almost assuredly in contact in Dallas with Jack Ruby prior to the JFK assassination. He was briefly detained in Dealey Plaza minutes after the president’s murder, but those JFK assassination researchers who have mentioned Braden prefer to cast him as a “Mafia” figure rather than as Lansky’s man on the scene in Dallas.

Al Gruber – A henchman of Meyer Lansky’s West Coast operative, Mickey Cohen, Gruber and Ruby spoke by telephone just shortly before Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald. It is believed that Gruber gave Ruby the contract on Oswald on behalf of his superiors.


Charles DeGaulle – Repeatedly targeted for assassination by Israeli-allied forces in French intelligence and in the Secret Army Organization (OAS) who were angry that DeGaulle had granted independence to Arab Algeria. The Mossad-sponsored Permindex operation that also had a hand in the murder of JFK, laundered money used in the assassination attempts on DeGaulle.

Georges deLannurien – High ranking official in the SDECE, the French intelligence agency; pinpointed by a former French intelligence officer as the individual who (at the best of Mossad assassinations chief Yitzhak Shamir) contracted the hit team who killed JFK in Dallas.

Michael Mertz – A former French SDECE officer and the Paris connection for the Lansky-Trafficante heroin syndicate; alleged to have been one of the actual gunmen in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Said by some to be the legendary CIA contract killer, QJ/WIN.

Jean Soutre – A liaison for the French OAS with the CIA’s E. Howard Hunt, Soutre maintained contact with Guy Banister’s CIA- and mob-linked gun-running headquarters in New Orleans. Soutre may have been in Dallas at the time of the JFK assassination. There is evidence linking Soutre to James Jesus Angleton’s intrigue inside the CIA that affected French intelligence in a dramatic way.

Thomas Eli Davis III – A world-traveling mercenary with apparent links to both Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald, Davis was taken into custody by the Algerian government for his subversive activities alongside Israeli agents in supplying weapons to the French OAS just prior to the JFK assassination. It is said that CIA operative QJJWIN (possibly Michael Mertz, one of the reputed assassins of President Kennedy) helped secure Davis’s release from prison.

Geoffrey Bocca – A former propagandist for the OAS, Bocca later co-authored former CIA contract agent Hugh McDonald’s book, Appointment in Dallas, which pointed the blame for the JFK assassination away from those who were actually responsible-the first of two suspect books put out by McDonald.

Christian David – A French Corsican criminal associated with reputed JFK assassin Michael Mertz, David has claimed knowledge of a French hit team involved in the JFK assassination. David himself was the chief suspect in the murder of a Moroccan dissident, Mehdi Ben-Barka, whose killing was orchestrated by the Israeli Mossad through anti-DeGaulle forces in French intelligence.


Mark Lane – Retained by Lee Harvey Oswald’s mother to represent her son’s interests before the Warren Commission, Lane’s book Rush to Judgment was the first major critique of the Warren Commission Report. In a libel suit filed against The Spotlight newspaper by former CIA operative E. Howard Hunt, Lane proved to the satisfaction of a jury that the CIA had indeed been involved in the JFK assassination. His best-selling book Plausible Denial outlined the circumstances of that libel suit and its ultimate conclusion.

Gary Wean – A former detective on the Hollywood beat of the Los Angeles Police Department, Wean discovered how Meyer Lansky’s West Coast henchman, Mickey Cohen, was conspiring against John F. Kennedy on behalf of the Israelis. In a meeting with the former sheriff of Dallas County, Bill Decker, Wean learned a portion of the truth about what really happened in Dallas.


Edgar & Edith Stern – Close friends of Clay Shaw, major financial backers of the pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, and owners of the WDSU media empire in New Orleans that not only played a major role in giving vast publicity to Lee Harvey Oswald’s preassassination profile as a “pro-Castro agitator” but later sought to undermine Jim Garrison’s investigation of Clay Shaw.

Johann Rush – As a young WDSU cameraman, Rush was on the scene to record Oswald’s “pro-Castro” activities. He emerged-many years later-as the brains behind a “computer-enhanced” version of the famous Zapruder film of the JFK assassination that author Gerald Posner cited as “proof’ that Oswald acted alone in the president’s murder.

Drew Pearson – Accused by his own mother-in-law of being a “mouthpiece” for the pro-Israel ADL, Pearson had close ties to not only the Israeli lobby, but also the CIA and to President Lyndon Johnson and his cronies. It was Pearson who floated an unlikely story that Fidel Castro was behind the JFK assassination and who also played a major influence in shaping Earl Warren’s perceptions of the tragedy.

Jack Anderson – As protégé of Drew Pearson, Jack Anderson likewise had strange connections that might have biased his own reportage on the JFK affair. Since 1963 Anderson has promoted a number of conflicting versions about “who really killed JFK” ranging from “the Mafia” to Fidel Castro or a combination of both.

Jack Newfield – A liberal columnist and some-time JFK assassination buff, Newfield has been a likewise long-standing devotee of Israel. He made a big splash with a highly fantastic story that missing Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa had “ordered” two Mafia figures to arrange the killing of President Kennedy. Not surprisingly, Newfield’s ridiculous story was given wide play in the Establishment media.


Oliver Stone – His Hollywood extravaganza, JFK, gave the public a fullblown, full-color, gory-in-every-detail conspiracy theory on the JFK assassination. Yet, Stone’s presentation of the conspiracy was far from complete and failed to reach any firm conclusions. He deliberately suppressed the “French connection” which, in turn, was the long-hidden Israeli connection. Not only was Stone’s chief financial backer Israel’s leading arms dealer but also his film distribution company had its origins in the Lansky crime syndicate. What’s more, one of the chief shareholders in the film company was none other than Bernard Cornfeld, long-time associate of Permindex figure Tibor Rosenbaum

Frank Mankiewicz – This former publicist for the Israeli Mossad-linked Anti-Defamation League had a peculiar part in the events that took place prior to the murder of Robert F. Kennedy. Then when Oliver Stone began promoting his film JFK, Mankiewicz popped up as his key public relations man.

Anthony Summers – Author of one book hinting that the Kennedy family were responsible for the death-maybe the murder-of actress Marilyn Monroe, Summers wrote another book on the JFK conspiracy. In neither book did Summers reveal explosive information (of which he was aware) that could have helped point the direction of those same forces which played a part in both crimes.

Robert Morrow – A former CIA contract operative who played a major role in activities on the periphery of the JFK assassination conspiracy, Morrow’s book on his experiences is rife with detail, yet suspect in the eyes of many who had looked into his claims. Morrow’s book absolves the key CIA conspirator, James J. Angleton, of involvement in the JFK conspiracy and portrays him as being “out of the loop” when, in fact, precisely the opposite was true. Is it a coincidence that Morrow’s book publisher is an American affiliate of an Israeli publishing company?

G. Robert Blakey – An unlikely choice to serve as director of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, Blakey had, just two years previously, served as a character witness for a long-time close associate of crime boss Meyer Lansky. When it came time to point the blame in the JFK assassination, Blakey targeted Lansky’s protégé, New Orleans Mafia boss, Carlos Marcello, but looked no further. Blakey, likewise, found no role by the CIA-or any other intelligence agency-in the JFK assassination.

David Scheim – The author of a book that pins the murder of President Kennedy on “the Mafia,” Scheim refuses to acknowledge Permindex board member Clay Shaw’s intelligence connections and paints Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky as a low-level syndicate figure with no influence of substance. Scheim’s book was published by the American front for an Israeli publishing company.

Richard Billings – A journalist with close ties to the CIA, Billings played a major role in the media’s campaign to undermine New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s investigation of Clay Shaw. Billings emerged as the prime promoter of the outlandish theory that Garrison was a Mafia front man trying to take the focus off the Mafia and direct the attention toward the intelligence community.

James DiEugenio – Although a deep admirer of both John F. Kennedy and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, DiEugenio has tread lightly when inquiring into the ties between Clay Shaw and the Permindex operation with its multiple links to the Israeli Mossad and the crime syndicate.

Peter Dale Scott – His years of in-depth research on the JFK assassination have led him directly to the doorstep of the CIA, the Mossad and the Lansky Crime Syndicate, yet he has never been prepared to name names or point in the direction of those very forces, preferring to sidestep the issue.


By Laurent Guyenot

To discover the deepest truth of the JFK assassination, one has to tear up not one, but many lies stacked on top of each other. Pealing off the government lie is just the beginning.

Just like in the case of 9/11, the mainstream “JFK truth movement” is really a cloud of partial truths meant to hide the core truth (the Zionist coup).

The hijacked plot theory

In a previous article, I have argued that the 9/11 “inside job” theory is a secondary cover-up under the major cover-up of the official Bin Laden myth. I called it the “reversible false flag”. I also proposed to solve some difficult questions by the hypothesis that a minor false flag plot orchestrated by US military intelligence had been hijacked by the Zionist-Neocon criminal network and turned into a much more dramatic event designed to blackmail the US into the War on Terror.

After researching for some years the Kennedy assassination, I have progressively come to the conclusion that the same patterns apply to the JFK assassination. This theory of a hijacked plot in the JFK assassination has been elaborated by Gary Wean, a detective sergeant for the Los Angeles Police Department, in his book There’s a Fish in the Courthouse (1987), quoted by Michael Piper in his groundbreaking Final Judgment. Relying on a well-informed source in Dallas (identified as Republican Senator John Tower in his 1996 second edition), Weanraises the possibility that the Dallas coup was “a double-cross of fantastic dimensions”, in which a failed assassination attempt staged by the CIA had been hijacked by what he refers to as the Mishpucka (the Family, in Hebrew), the Russian Jewish Mafia, whose evil power reaching in the highest spheres Wean has been investigating for years in California. The Mishpuckawanted Kennedy dead and turned the operation into a successful assassination, then escaped investigation by hiding behind the CIA’s scheme. JFK researcher Dick Russel has independently added weight to that theory by interviewing Cuban exiles who believe they had been manipulated (The Man Who Knew Too Much, 1992). The assumption is that the CIA and their Cuban exile associates intended to spare Kennedy’s life but force him to retaliate against Castro.

Oswald poses for posterity
Oswald poses for posterity

It was a false flag operation: Oswald, the patsy, had been groomed with the “legend” of a pro-Castro communist activist, which was sold to the public by news media on the day of the assassination. But real snipers were added to the CIA’s staged assassination, by a Zionist-sponsored network who didn’t care about Cuba but wanted Kennedy dead.[1]

The hypothesis of a “hijacked plot” (one plot inside another) is consistent with the bare facts of the JFK assassination. The bullets fired from the School Book Depository behind the presidential limousine all missed their target. Seconds later, bullets were fired from the grassy knoll, on the front left of the limousine, and two at least hit the President. So it is plausible that two snipers (or two teams of snipers) were used: the CIA sniper was shooting from the sixth floor of the School Book Depository, where some witnesses saw him. He missed purposefully, and then quickly escaped through a back door. Oswald, who was working in the School Book Depository, would be arrested in the afternoon, as planned. The snipers shooting from the grassy knoll were not CIA, and took the CIA by surprise, forcing them into damage control mode.

Meet Jacob Rubenstein

The hijacked plot theory is fully consistent with the profiles of the two main known actors in the drama: Lee Harvey Oswald, the patsy falsely accused of killing the President, and Jack Ruby, the man who killed the patsy and thereby closed the case. Oswald has been extensively investigated, and his CIA, FBI and Military Intelligence connections well documented. But not as much has been written about Jack Ruby; it is unfortunate, because Ruby’s trail should logically lead directly to those whom he was covering, and that can only mean Kennedy’s true murderers. Few people even know that his real name was Jacob Leon Rubenstein, that he was the son of Jewish Polish immigrants, that he had introduced himself in the Dallas Police station as a translator for Israeli reporters, and that, before dying, he told his defense lawyer William Kunstler, on several occasions, that he killed Oswald “for the Jews”[2] (his rabbi Hillel Silverman made the same declaration).[3]Only from Collins Piper do we learn these truly “unspeakable” things, as well as the fact that Rubenstein was associated with a Jewish international crime syndicate led by Meyer Suchowljansky, aka Lansky, a generous donator to the Zionist cause (his granddaughter, Mira Lansky Boland, became an ADL official). This “Yiddish Connection” included the infamous Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegelbaum, one of the bosses of Murder Incorporated as well as the legendary founder of Las Vegas.

Jacob Rubenstein in action
Jacob Rubenstein in action

Ruby was a friend and associate of Siegel’s successor Mickey Cohen.

Cohen claims in his memoirs to have been “engrossed with Israel”, boasts of his financial contributions and arms smuggling for the Zionist cause, and, according to Gary Wean who had him under surveillance, had contacts with Israeli terrorist and future Prime Minister Menachem Begin.

For those who haven’t read Piper’s book, it must be said that Ruby is only one of many Zionists involved in the cover-up.

Another one is Arlen Specter, assistant counsel to the Warren Commission, who came up with the “single bullet theory”, threatened reluctant witnesses (such as Jean Hill who recounted it to researcher Jim Marrs for his book Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy, 1989), and stubbornly defended it against common sense (sticking to it in his 2000 biography, entitled without irony Passion for Truth).

At his death in 2012, Specter, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, was officially mourned by the Israeli government as “an unswerving defender of the Jewish State,” and by AIPAC, as “a leading architect of the congressional bond between our country and Israel,” while the Committee to Free Jonathan Pollard reminded that he was “among the first to join the call for Pollard’s release.”[4]

The CIA gets double-crossed

Another important clue supporting the “hijacked plot” theory is the consequence of the assassination. Since the assassination was clearly set up as a false flag operation, with Oswald framed as Castro’s agent, it is obvious that the goal was to justify retaliation against Cuba. But that goal was never achieved. Johnson hushed up the rumor of Oswald’s communist background, and thwarted the plan for attacking Cuba. Why? The dominant theory among reputedly serious JFK researchers, such as David Talbot[5], James Douglass[6] or Mark Lane[7], fails to answer that question. These authors prove convincingly that a faction within the National Security State (mostly CIA and Pentagon) was desperately trying to start a war against Castro, and that, after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, they were prepared to deceive the President in order to do that. But they fail to demonstrate that the CIA was prepared to assassinate the President: there is a huge difference between setting up a secret operation behind the President’s back and committing high treason by murdering their own President. And none of the three authors mentioned above succeed in naming the mastermind of the plot within the CIA; rather, the accusation falls on the National Security State at large, which is far from satisfying.

Mossad mole James JesusAngleton
Mossad mole James JesusAngleton

In fact, the single character who stands out as the most suspicious is James Angleton, who controlled the CIA’s Israel Office from 1954 to 1974. His biographer Tom Mangold (Cold Warrior) states: “Angleton’s closest professional friends overseas […] came from the Mossad and […] he was held in immense esteem by his Israeli colleagues and by the state of Israel, which was to award him profound honors after his death.”[8]Angleton played a major role in the cover-up of by acting as intermediary between the CIA and the Warren Commission.

Johnson: mastermind or Zionist accomplice?

Those who accuse the CIA for JFK’s assassination credit Johnson for having thwarted the plan for a war with Cuba, which might have led to a world war. But they ignore the massive evidence that Johnson was heavily involved in the plot, evidence gathered by such researchers as Roger Stone[9] or Phillip Nelson[10]. However, those who name LBJ as the mastermind, in turn, fail to explain why the plot was designed as a false flag assassination to accuse Cuba, if Johnson finally intended to thwart that scheme. That Johnson was a psychopath willing to murder to achieve his life-long ambition makes no doubt. But it is impossible to believe that he could deceive and/or control the Federal government, by the sheer power of his manipulative personality, even with complicity from Texas Oil tycoons. Even with the support of FBI director Edgar Hoover, he could not have prevented the media from investigating.

Only the thesis incriminating Israel can solve these contradictions. Israel had a vital interest in eliminating Kennedy. The President was determined to prevent Israel from achieving its goal of a nuclear arsenal, and wrote Prime Minister David ben Gurion that “this Government’s commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized”[11] if he didn’t comply with his demand of immediate international inspection of the Dimona complex. Ben Gurion retired on the day he received Kennedy’s letter, dated June 15, 1963, which may be interpreted as a dive into the deep underworld of secret operations. Kennedy was also committed to the right of return for the nearly 800,000 Palestinian refugees expelled from their neighborhoods and villages in 1947-48, that is, for the implementation of 1948 UN Resolution 194. For these two reasons at least (and there were more, such as the Kennedy’s effort to restrict the American Zionist Council, the forerunner of AIPAC, under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938), the Zionists wished Kennedy dead. So did Johnson.

Roger Stone’s case against Johnson
Roger Stone’s case against Johnson

As a matter of fact, Johnson had always been Israel’s man, ever since his 1948 Senate campaign masterminded by Abraham Feinberg, the financial godfather of Israel’s atomic bomb, who had already financed Truman’s 1948 presidential campaign[12]. His coming to power in 1963 was greeted with relief in Tel Aviv, as commented the Israeli newspaper YedioAhoronot: “There is no doubt that, with the accession of Lyndon Johnson, we shall have more opportunity to approach the President directly if we should feel that US policy militates against our vital interests.”[13]

Indeed, a growing amount of evidence shows that in 1967 Johnson not only gave Israel a green light for the improperly called Six Day War (a preemptive attack followed by annexation), but had the CIA provide the Israelis with all necessary information to target Egypt’s military bases. Johnson appears to have known in advance of the Israeli false flag attack of the USS Libertyon June 8, 1967, and to have planned using it for declaring war on Egypt (officially a Soviet ally).

In 2013, Associated Press reported about newly released tapes from Johnson’s White House office showing LBJ’s “personal and often emotional connection to Israel,” and pointed out that during the Johnson presidency, “the United States became Israel’s chief diplomatic ally and primary arms supplier.” An article from the 5 Towns Jewish Times running under the title “Our First Jewish President Lyndon Johnson?” elaborates on that and, after recalling Johnson’s continuous support of Jews and Israel in the 1940s and 50s, then his role in the crafting of the pro-Israel UN Resolution 242 in November 1967, concludes: “President Johnson firmly pointed American policy in a pro-Israel direction. In a historical context, the American emergency airlift to Israel in 1973, the constant diplomatic support, the economic and military assistance and the strategic bonds between the two countries can all be credited to the seeds planted by LBJ.” The article also mentions that, “Research into Johnson’s personal history indicates that he inherited his concern for the Jewish people from his family. His aunt Jessie Johnson Hatcher, a major influence on LBJ, was a member of the Zionist Organization of America.” And, in a additional note: “The facts indicate that both of Lyndon Johnson’s great-grandparents, on the maternal side, were Jewish. […] The line of Jewish mothers can be traced back three generations in Lyndon Johnson’s family tree. There is little doubt that he was Jewish.”[14]

The missing link

The only missing link to prove the collusion between Johnson and Israel in the Kennedy assassination would be proof that Ruby was Johnson’s man. This link is provided by former Nixon operative Roger Stone who said in an interview with The Daily Caller, that in November 1963, upon seeing Ruby on television, “Nixon said, ‘The damn thing is, I knew this Jack Ruby. Murray [Chotiner] brought him to me in 1947, said he was one of ‘Johnson’s boys’ and that LBJ wanted us to hire him as an informant to the Committee. We did.’ I think Nixon immediately recognized that LBJ was using one his operatives to do ‘clean up’ work on the murder of John Kennedy.”[15] In light of this, it is interesting to mention a dubious FBI declassified memo dated November 24, 1947 which attemps to portray Ruby as Nixon’s man but has come to be regarded as a hoax by most serious JFK researchers. It states that “one Jack Rubenstein of Chicago […] is performing information functions for the staff of Congressman Richard Nixon, Republican of California,” and that he should “not be called for open testimony” by a congressional committee investigating organized crime.[16]This forgery has several flaws: first, Nixon was a freshman in the role as junior counsel in 1947, and only started prosecuting Alger Hiss (the only likely context for this memo) the next year. Secondly, it refers to “Jack Rubenstein” living in Chicago in November of 1947, when Ruby had in fact already changed his name and moved to Dallas by that time.Finally, the document carries a zip code when they did not exist at the time.

That Ruby acted on Johnson’s orders is a likely explanation to Ruby’s odd statements to the Warren Commission: “If you don’t take me back to Washington tonight to give me a chance to prove to the President that I am not guilty, then you will see the most tragic thing that will ever happen.” Ruby made himself more clear: “there will be a certain tragic occurrence happening if you don’t take my testimony and somehow vindicate me so my people don’t suffer because of what I have done.”He feared that his act would be used “to create some falsehood about some of the Jewish faith,” but added that “maybe something can be saved […], if our President, Lyndon Johnson, knew the truth from me.”[17] Ruby seems to have wanted to send through the Commission a message to Johnson, or rather a warning that he may spill the beans about Israel’s involvement if Johnson did not intervene in his favor. We get the impression that Ruby expected Johnson to pardon him (after all, he had killed the murderer of the President out of compassion for his wife, he had declared when arrested). That impression gets reinforced when we compare the respect he shows Johnson, referred to as “our President, who believes in righteousness and justice,” to the implicite accusation he would make against that same Johnson in a 1965 press conference[18], then again in a 1967 handwritten letter smuggled out of prison, in which he called Johnson “a Nazi in the worst order” in a handwritten letter.[19] Ruby’s violent resentment suggests a sense of betrayal.

Jacob Rubenstein accuses Johnson in 1965

Ruby’s statement to the Warren Commission was leaked to journalist Dorothy Kilgallen and published in the New York Journal American, August 18-20, 1964. Kilgallen also interviewed Jack Ruby and boasted afterwards of being about to “break the real story” and publish “the biggest scoop of the century” in a book titled Murder One. The book was never published: Kilgallen was found dead by an overdose of barbiturate and alcohol on November 8th, 1965. Her last published line said about the Kennedy assassination: “That story isn’t going to die as long as there’s a real reporter alive, and there are a lot of them alive.”[20]

It may be concluded that the three major theses (CIA, LBJ or Israel) can be boiled down to two, LBJ and Israel playing on the same team. And the contradictions between those two remaining theses can be solved by the theory that a CIA secret operation (a failed assassination of JFK) was hijacked by a Johnson-Israel conspiracy, who could thereafter force the CIA to keep the lid on the truth and shield them.

The House Select new cover-up

This process explains what happened in the 1970s, when the US Intelligence agencies became of target of investigations in the wake of the Watergate scandal. That’s when the CIA, to defuse the heat, pulled out another false culprit for JFK’s assassination: the mafia. GaetonFonzi, who was hired as a researcher in 1975 by the Church Committee (the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, which published between 1975 and 1976 fourteen separate reports on the abuses perpetrated by intelligence agencies) and by the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1977, published a book on the subject in 1993, The Last Investigation. His conclusion is that when Robert Blakey, a criminal law professor specialized in Organized Crime, was asked to take the reins of the Committee following the forced resignation of Richard Sprague, it was with the tacit understanding that he should lay the blame on Organized Crime: “In the end, the final report did what it was carefully structured to do: Create the impression that Organized Crime was involved in the conspiracy. That was the one point that Blakey wanted to etch in the national consciousness and leave in history’s memory. It was his personal bid to finally lay to rest the question of President Kennedy’s assassination. When the report was released, the theme of the front-page headline in the Washington Post was echoed by the media across the country: “MOBSTERS LINKED TO JFK DEATH.”[21]

George de Mohrenschildt
George de Mohrenschildt

It is interesting to note that George De Mohrenschildt was found dead hours after being asked by Fonzi for an interview, on March 29, 1977. The common belief is that Oswald was “shepherded by intelligence asset George De Mohrenschildt, at the instigation of Dallas CIA agent J. Walton Moore”.[22] That piece of information is dubious for several reasons: first, it is contradicted by the fact that Moore was officially FBI rather than CIA. Second, it rests on a printed interview given by De Mohrenschiltd to journalist Edward Epstein a few hours before his death: so De Mohrenschiltd was in no position to confirm or deny the words that Epstein ascribed to him. In fact, De Mohrenschildt’s published interview contradicts his own manuscript account of his relationship to Oswald, revealed after his death[23]. Moreover, Epstein’s main source for his book Legend: the Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald (1978) is Jesus Angleton, who was actively spreading disinformation at the time of the HSCA, defending the theory that Oswald was a KGB agent with CIA connections. De Mohrenschildtd’s death was ruled a suicide. The Sherriff’s report mentions that in his last months he complained that “the Jews” and “the Jewish mafia” were out to get him.[24]Needless to say, Epstein doesn’t recall De Mohrenschildt mentioning such fear.

Relating to Congressional researcher Fonzi, it is also interesting to quote what he was told by Vince Salandria, a widely respected pioneer in JFK research: “All the critics, myself included, were misled very early,” said a totally disillusioned Salandria. “The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiny.” Salandria apparently regarded the trail of a national conspiracy followed by most genuine JFK researchers as a deception, since in fact, “the interests of those who killed Kennedy now transcend national boundaries and national priorities. No doubt we are dealing now with an international conspiracy”. Salandria had also come to regard the public setting for Kennedy’s execution, including its capture on film by Abraham Zapruder, as part of a strategy of terror: “The forces that killed Kennedy wanted the message clear: ‘We are in control and no one—not the President, nor Congress, nor any elected official—no one can do anything about it.’ It was a message to the people that their Government was powerless. And the people eventually got the message.”[25]Salandria did not seem to be thinking of Israel, but who else than the Zionist criminal network can be described an “international conspiracy” controlling the President and Congress regarding to Foreign affairs?

Who owns the media ?

Who else, by the way, could possibly have controlled the mainstream media and the pseudo-alternative networks for 50 years to shield Israel from suspicion in the Dallas coup? Books focusing on the CIA keep emphasizing the CIA control over the news media, but that is a myth, largely propagated by the news media themselves. Deborah Davis, for example, has overblown Operation Mockingbird in her biography of Katharine Graham, the daughter of Eugene Meyer who bought The Washington Post in 1933.Davis claims that Philip Graham (Katharine’s husband and longtime director of the Post), as well as Joseph Alsop, the newspaper’s most influential columnist, were “owned” by CIA,[26] but a stronger case can be made for their loyalty to Israel. Kennedy assistant Arthur Schlesinger has recorded that it was Graham and Alsop who convinced Kennedy to take Johnson as his running mate, as soon as it became clear that Kennedy would beat Johnson at the Primaries. They were certainly not appointed by the CIA. Nor does Kennedy’s decision “defies historical reconstruction” as Schlesinger claims (strangely for a historian).[27] As Alan Hart explains, through Graham and Alsop, who could exert huge influence on public opinion, “Kennedy was forced by Israel’s supporters to take Johnson as his vice-presidential running mate.”[28]Everyone knows which interest group has the strongest hold on the American media, and it is not the CIA or any other government institution.

It is possible, of course, that the CIA used some media to condition the public for its false flag failed assassination by Oswald-the-deranged-communist. Only hours before Kennedy’s assassination, national television was preparing the public for it: Ed Herbert, news director/on-air anchor for a local television station in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, KTVT-TV, spent over two minutes talking about presidential assassination, while waiting for JFK to appear for his speech in Dallas. He mentioned that Kennedy broke security rules by getting too close to the crowd, and mentioned precedent in September 6th 1901 when president William McKinley was shot dead by Leon Czolgosz, a 21-year-old anarchist “with a long history of mental illness”. He seemed to be reading from a script.[29]

Dallas news anchor predicts JFK assassination hours in advance

But it was certainly not the CIA who directed suspicions toward itself in other medias. It was Zionist journalist Arthur Krock of the New York Times who, a month and a half prior to Kennedy’s death, had already biased the skeptics toward the theory of a CIA plot, by quoting in his daily column on October 3rd, an unnamed “very high official” who claimed that the White House could not control the CIA, and “If the United States ever experiences a ‘Seven Days in May’, it will come from the CIA.” Seven Days in May is a 1962 political thriller about a military coup against the White House. Krock was leading his readers to guess that his “very high official” was Kennedy himself; it must at least have been quite obvious to those who knew that Krock had direct access to Kennedy, and that Kennedy had privately commented on the novel Seven Days in May as a realistic plot.[30]

And one month after Kennedy’s assassination, it was the turn of the Washington Post to use a very similar trick, by publishing an op-ed signed by Harry Truman, in which the former president said he was “disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government.” “I never had any thought when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations,” and at the point of becoming across the globe “a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue […] there are now some searching questions that need to be answered.”[31] Truman was hinting at the CIA’s role in toppling foreign governments and assassinating elected leaders abroad. But given the timing of his article, one month to the day after Dallas, it could only be understood by anyone with ears to hear, and at least subliminally, as an indictment of the CIA in the Kennedy assassination. This article, widely reprinted in the 1970s after the creation of the Church Committee and the House Select Committee on Assassinations, is regarded as Truman’s whistle-blowing. Yet its mea culpa style is completely unlike Truman, and it was in fact not written by Truman, but by his longtime assistant and ghostwriter, David Noyes. Truman probably never saw it prior to its publication in the Washington Post morning edition, but he may be responsible (and not the CIA) for its deletion from the afternoon print runs.[32] Noyes’ role as Truman’s ghost writer is documented in Sidney Krasnoff’s book, Truman and Noyes: Story of a President’s Alter Ego (Jonathan Stuart Press, 1997), which the publisher advertises as “an EXTRAORDINARY story of the relationship between a Missouri born Baptist, with no formal education beyond high school & a Russian born Jew with an eighth grade education.”

Arnon Milchan in good company
Arnon Milchan in good company

A strong case can be made that the “JFK truth movement”, as it may be called, steered skeptics toward the CIA trail from the very beginning, by a carefully planned “controlled opposition”.

MedusaTouch, produced by Arnon Milchanin 1978
MedusaTouch, produced by Arnon Milchanin 1978

There are suspicions that Mark Lane, the earliest dedicated JFK researcher, who had changed his name from Levin to Lane to conceal his Jewish background, did exactly that, with his pioneering Guardian article published 4 weeks after the assassination, followed by 5 books from 1966 to 2011.

Edward Epstein, mentioned above, is also suspected of having forged De Mohrenschiltd’s interview in 1977 (Epstein has recently argued that Dominic Strauss-Kahn had fallen victim of a conspiracy).[33]

And it is well-known that Olive Stone’s influential 1991 film JFK, which says nothing of the Israeli Mossad connection that Jim Garrison stumbled upon, was produced by Arnon Milchan, described in a 2011 biography as “one of the most important covert agents that Israeli intelligence has ever fielded”.[34]

Back in 1978, by the way, Arnon Milchan produced The Medusa Touch, a film depicting a remote controlled aircraft crashing and exploding into a skyscraper.

Needless to say, such remarks are anathema to the community of politically correct JFK researchers, as I have discovered; the unwritten rule is to stick to the Inside Job thesis. Which raises again the question of the controlled opposition.

But those who find offensive any suspicions of Israel in the assassination of an American president, should be reminded of the editorial published in The Atlanta Jewish Times by its owner and editor in chief Andrew Adler, January 13, 2012, under the heading “What would you do?”

An old Zionist trick : kill a US President to replace him by his Israel-friendly Vice-President.
An old Zionist trick : kill a US President to replace him by his Israel-friendly Vice-President.

Adler calls on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to “give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current Vice-President to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.”[35]


[1] Michael Collins Piper, Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, American Free Press, 6th ed., 2005, p. 290-7.

[2]William Kunstler, My Life as a Radical Lawyer, Carol Publishing, 1994, p. 158

[3]Steve North, “Lee Harvey Oswald’s Killer ‘Jack Ruby’ Came From Strong Jewish Background”, The Jewish Daily Forward, November 17, 2013,


[5]David Talbot, Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, Simon & Schuster, 2007.

[6]James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He died and Why it Matters, Touchstone, 2008.

[7]Mark Lane, Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK, Skyhorse Publishing, 2011.

[8]Tom Mangold, Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton: the CIA’s Master Spy Hunter, Simon & Schuster, 1991.

[9] Roger Stone, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, Skyhorse, 2013.

[10]Phillip Nelson, LBJ: The Mastermind of JFK’s Assassination,XLibris, 2010.

[11]Warren Bass, Support any Friend: Kennedy’s Middle East and the Making of the U.S.-Israel Alliance, 2003, p. 219.

[12] Alan Hart, Zionism, the Real Enemy of the Jews, vol. 2: David Becomes Goliath, Clarity Press, 2009, p. 250.

[13] Stephen Green, Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations With a Militant Israel, William Morrow & Co, 1984, p. 186.

[14]Morris Smith, “Our First Jewish President Lyndon Johnson? – an update!!”, 5 Towns Jewish Times, April 11, 2013:


[16]Copy at

[17]Read Ruby’s deposition on:

[18] Watch on

[19] Nelson, LBJ: The Mastermind, op. cit., p. 604-7.

[20]Talbot, Brothers, op. cit., p. 262-3.

[21]GaetonFonzi, The Last Investigation: A Former Federal Investigator Reveals the Man behind the Conspiracy to Kill JFK, 1993, Skyhorse, 2013, kindle pos. 405-76.

[22] Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable, op. cit., p. xxiii.

[23] George de Mohrenschilldt, I am a Patsy! on:

[24] Read the Sheriff’s Office report on:

[25]GaetonFonzi, The Last Investigation: A Former Federal Investigator Reveals the Man behind the Conspiracy to Kill JFK, 1993, Skyhorse, 2013, kindle pos. 773-88.

[26]Deborah Davis, Katharine the Great, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979, p. 249.

[27] Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House, 1965, First Mariner Books, 2002, kindle pos. 1030.

[28] Alan Hart, Zionism, the Real Enemy of the Jews, vol. 2: David Becomes Goliath, Clarity Press, 2009, p. 257.


[30] Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable, op. cit., p. 12-13 and 186-196;

[31] “Harry Truman Writes: Limit CIA Role to Intelligence”, Washington Post, December 22, 1963, quoted in Mark Lane, Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK, Skyhorse Publishing, 2011, p. 246.

[32]Benjamin F. Onate, “What Did Truman Say About CIA?” Studies in Intelligence Vol XVII/3, (Fall, 1973), p. 9-11.

[33]William Kelly quoting the HSCA report, volume XI, p. 77-8, on:

[34]Meir Doron, Confidential: The Life of Secret Agent Turned Hollywood Tycoon- ArnonMilchan, Gefen Books, 2011.

[35]Joe Sterling, “Jewish paper’s column catches Secret Service’s eye”, CNN, January 22, 2012:

Story Source: