The Plot Thickens In Justice Scalia Death – Rent-A-Boy Scandal, Linked To Secret Society, Bohemia Grove?

Screen Shot 2016-02-26 at 10.45.35 PMThe Plot In Judge Scalia’s Death Thickens- Was At A Ranch Of A Secret Society Connected To Bohemia Grove


The details surrounding Justice Scalia’s death become ever stranger.


An excellent piece in the Washington Post reveals that Judge Scalia was visiting friends at the Society of St. Hubertus, which purports itself as an elite, international men’s-only hunting club founded in 1695 in the Czech Republic. The group’s website, on initial appearance, would be just that- a group of men gathered for fun times and camaraderie, in which they would dress in costumes and go hunting.

When I heard that, I though it sounded strangely like Freemasonry and other neo-pagan rituals, such as the Bohemia Grove club in which a sacrifice, called “care” is offered up at the feet of a giant owl statue. The statue is a owl because it is said that the owl represents “wisdom.” For those familiar with Bohemia Grove, the entire scene just so happens to look like an idol of the biblical demon Moloch to whom people would sacrifice their infants:


Moloch and infant sacrifice


A scene from the “Cremation of Care” ritual at Bohemia grove

I had never heard of the Society of St. Hubertus until today. However, some things the article mentioned as well as my own quick observation of the society yielded some curious results:

-The society was founded in 1695 by Franz Anton von Sporck, a Protestant Jansenist, Freemason, and anti-Jesuit from the Czech Republic, a.k.a. “Bohemia.

-The society’s first branch in the USA, per the article and the Society’s Own website, was invested at Bohemia Grove.

-The account given by the Washington Post about the death of Justice Scalia:

Poindexter and Foster told the sheriff that Scalia had traveled to Texas the day before to go hunting. Poindexter told the sheriff that they “had supper and talked for a while” that evening.

Scalia “said that he was tired and was going to his room for the night,” the sheriff wrote in his report.

When Scalia didn’t show up for breakfast that morning, Poindexter knocked on his door and eventually went in and found the Justice dead in his bed, Poindexter said.

Law enforcement officials told The Post that they had no knowledge of the International Order of St. Hubertus or its connection to Poindexter and ranch guests. The officials said the FBI had declined to investigate Scalia’s death when they were told by the marshals that he died from natural causes.

At the very least, if this club is not an extension of the Freemasons, it has close connections to it from its inception, especially with its desire to hide its identity and location as well as its connections to the very rich and powerful . It is not merely a benevolent organization.


Was Judge Scalia’s death a Coincidence? I doubt it, especially give how there was no investigation into the cause of death of a major public official.

What the conversation of that meeting was, or what Justice Scalia’s involvement in the society was we will never know. Given that he was a devout Catholic, it is less probably (although still possible) that he was a member of the society, especially given his public stances on matters of public policy, as he generally voted in accordance with his faith. However, given that he obviously knew many people in Washington, it is at the very least that he was invited by friends for a “hunting trip” over the weekend.

I wonder if those people really invited him because they wanted to “convince” Justice Scalia to vote a certain way on some of the major upcoming Supreme Court issues, such as with abortion and Obamacare. I wonder if Justice Scalia said “No,” and as such he just “happened” to “die in his sleep.”

For those interested in learning more about Bohemia Grove, Conspiracy Writer Alex Jones crashed the club back in 2002 and secretly filmed the inside of the club as part of a documentary, including the infamous “Cremation of Care” ritual: